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    A business without communication is a business that doesn't exist. It doesn't matter if we have the best offers, excellent service, personalized customer support, fast deliveries or sustainable packages if our customers don't know about these qualities. To ensure that you are aware of all the latest news, we rely on the work of our Social Media and Email Marketing Manager


    In this segment of #BLINKTEAM, we spoke to Eva Marques, our Social Media and Email Marketing Manager, to get a better idea of what's behind BlinkShop's communication strategy! 


    1. Tell us a little bit about your past experiences that led you up to joining BlinkShop.

    Ever since I was young, I knew that I would end up working in an area that allowed me to establish relationships with people. That's why I graduated in Communication Sciences from ISCSP - University of Lisbon. During and after my degree, I had the opportunity to learn from top professionals in marketing and communications agencies, which allowed me to explore various styles of communication, various business sectors and understand the best tactics for communicating to the target audiences in each of these markets

    Today, I'm part of a project that brings together my passion for communication and my passion for the world of cosmetics - and it's so rewarding to be able to collaborate and develop a project like BlinkShop: a project I believe in, with a united, motivated and positive team! Working doesn't "feel like work" when you're doing what you love, it feels like joy! 

    2. What makes BlinkShop's communication strategy different from other e-commerce stores? 

    In order to define an appropriate communication strategy, it was essential to assess what the competition - national and international - does in terms of communication and information. From the outset, it was clear that there is a certain resistance from brands to share their people, stories and the team that develops and raises the projects. 

    At BlinkShop, we do things differently. We want to build closer relationships with our customers, promote trust and showcase our talents. We, therefore, choose to present each member of our team - not just as a company employee, but also as an individual. In addition, we want BlinkShop to be more than just a place for buying and selling products. We aspire for BlinkShop to be an informative place, where our customers can clear their questions, get advice and recommendations on how to best take care of themselves. That's why we've developed articles on problems common to many of us with the best practices to combat and prevent them, share beauty tips and tricks with our community and invest in in-depth communication about the brands and products we sell. 


    3. What are the best ways to communicate with BlinkShop customers? 

    In order to communicate with our customers, we have to consider several axes: the tone of voice, the brand image, the information to be shared and the communication channels we use for this purpose. At BlinkShop, we try to reconcile all these axes in a harmonious way in order to meet our communication objectives. That's why, whether on our social media, on our website or in our newsletters, we maintain BlinkShop's distinctive branding, the friendly and approachable tone of voice, the clear, direct and concise information that the customer needs, as well as consistency across our various channels. 

    Besides this, we invest resources in contacting each of our clients directly whenever necessary - our focus is on bringing relationships as close as possible. I believe that this personalized approach, attentive to the individuality of our clients, will be the best way for us to become a major player in the market. 

    4. What are the future plans for BlinkShop's communication? Anything new you can tell us? 

    We're already working on some new things for our customers! In the (near) future, we want to focus on rewarding those who are by our side, i.e. the customers who have believed in us and decided to join our community. That's why we're working on creating loyalty programs that reward the trust placed in us. In addition, we want to "play" more on our digital platforms, show you more of our day-to-day life, the processes, the interaction of the team. And giveaways? Maybe soon! Follow us on social media and subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to hear about our special activities. We guarantee it will be worth it! ;) 

    5. What's your favorite part of the job?

    In technical terms, I really enjoy developing our banners. Basically, they're the gateway to our store, the first thing that grabs (ro doesn't) users' attention. It's a joy when my colleagues enter the website and say "so cute". 

    On the other hand, looking at the numbers is very motivating at BlinkShop. Almost every day I look at our growth metrics and try to understand why we had more or less visitors on a given day or which action triggered the most orders. It's essential to monitor the results of our marketing and communication actions so that we can identify what works best and what needs to be improved. 

    Even then, I think my favorite part is when we get feedback from our clients - sometimes they call or email us simply to praise our work and, really, there's nothing more gratifying than that


    6. Share with us a picture that represents you and explain why it's important to you. 



    In this picture, I'm hugging one of my teachers during the Academic Merit Awards 2020/2021. It was a very important milestone for me to receive the distinction of best student on my degree, because it showed me that effort, dedication and commitment are indeed valued and rewarded. It represents my attitude towards the projects I get involved in: I work to be amongst the best! 

















    7. Top 4 beauty products?